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Below are many personal testimonials as to the success of therapy for a whole range of symptoms such as confidence, weight loss, insomnia, stop smoking, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic attacks, phobias, anxiety, depression and bad habits. All the testimonials below and throughout this website are entirely genuine and are from Alice's clients.

"Put simply, Alice changes lives. Her patient, attentive, relaxed, compassionate and empathic approach, together with her willingness to find (appropriate) humour in certain situations which could otherwise leave one despairing, make her bespoke programme easy to engage with. I have been resistant to talking therapies for years - Alice identified the reasons why and helped me through them so that I could benefit fully from her help in other problem areas. She's on speed dial for the future." C.P Social Anxiety & Confidence


"First class service. Thoroughly professional, courteous and humble. Listening to understand what I needed and knew what it would take to get me through a tough time.

Taught me so much about myself and how to deal with managing my conscious and subconscious mind positively." C Saunders - Personal Performance


“A total game changer for me. Amazing service. I’ve tried CBT several times after suffering significant trauma but it didn’t help. Alice took the time to listen and work out a treatment plan. For the first time in years I felt I was being listened to.  I walked in to my first session feeling so low and despondent but came out floating in a bubble. I can’t explain it or how it worked but it really did. The Dropbox she sends to listen to at home are brilliant and I still use them now. Definitely recommend. Thank you .”

- PTSD & anxiety 


"Working with Alice teached me a lot and guided me through a rough time two years ago. After all, I came out on top of it. Still today, I have her voice in my ear, if things get rocky." Expat UEA - Anxiety & depression


"I can honestly say, the therapy my daughters’ have both received over the years has changed their lives (and mine). We first came to Alice when my daughters were 15 and 13 respectively – self conscious and a bit broken from bullying at school and other outside influences that brought them down. Over several sessions Alice built up their confidence again and gave them strategies to help them when they were feeling down. Several years later, my older daughter came to me and said ‘I think I need to go and see Alice again’. So, she did a few more sessions. This time it was to get more confidence in starting her own business. This was a big decision and it was probably going against what other people (including me) were saying she should do. Anyway, she did it and 3 years down the line she is still doing very well with her confidence growing all the time. At 23 and 21, both my girls are amazing young women and are very happy which is what we all want isn’t it.  Thank you so much Alice". Confidence, social anxiety & self esteem.


"My main point, is I wish I had found Alice sooner! For a long period of time I have suffered with anxiety. Recently, this had felt more out of control. With meditation and yoga, I needed to find another way to help me cope and reduce my difficulties.
Alice helped me to find any negative and self destructing thinking, which helped her, help me to develop new strategies. Alice is very patient and compassionate whilst being constructive when needed.
The mixture of Hypnotherapy and CBT have made me feel more calm on a day to day basis, whilst having new strategies in place when needed." K L Anxiety

If you are looking for therapy, give it a try. Alice is worth her weight in gold.


"Thank you for your time and understanding, your empathy and humour in dealing with the challenges I shared. I have definitely felt an improvement in myself during the more pressured moments when presenting or speaking in front of others and I had a few experiences where I felt the enjoyment return (even though small and intimate settings, it still felt good). I do still feel a pang of fear when the prospect of presenting in front of a large group arises but know I have some great tools to help me with overcoming this". L, London Performance Anxiety


"I’ve been listening to your audios in hospital and since I’ve been home and they’ve helped me so much especially when I can’t sleep so thank you!"

Stress, Self Esteem, Insomnia, Pain management C. online therapy


"I wanted to say a massive thank you for your help the past few months. I realised the other day how far I’ve come and how much better I feel.

Thank you for all your help!"

Obsessional thinking and associated anxiety, sleeplessness, self esteem and social phobia E. online therapy


"I have now lost two and a half stones. I am walking 2-3 miles a day and indoor cycling 15-25k per day. We walk longer at the weekends! You really have inspired me to make very positive and long lasting changes to my lifestyle..."

Weight Loss & Healthy Living - Lifestyle Revamp 4 sessions course Mrs T, Essex


"I’m sleeping so worries are still there but very few and far between and I always have a logical reason for them...I can’t thank you enough for your help everything seems to be falling in to place"

Anxiety & Insomnia Chloe, Maldon


"Just a quick update for you...The presentation went perfectly well. In fact when it came to it, I didn’t feel nervous - I actually enjoyed the experience of being on stage and speaking! Thank you so much for helping me with something I have been avoiding for over ten years.

Best of all I had no physical symptoms. Thank you!"

Fear of Presentatings/public speaking A. Tollesbury, Essex


"Thank you so much for everything Alice. I feel like a new woman because of your help xx"
General stress, car passenger anxietyWeight Loss Claire, Maldon Essex


"I felt at ease before and during the [work Christmas] party, was able to converse and laugh, it was a bit boring! For the first time in my life it felt like a non-event! No thumping in my chest or parched mouth. I still follow the guidelines you have given me including short, medium and long term goals [refers to list of exciting things she's now able to do in her life that before simply weren't possible due to crippling social phobia and lack of self confidence]. Thank you for all your help."

Social Anxiety, Confidence & Panic Attacks V, Southend-on-Sea Essex


"Just wanted to let you know...[when I went back to work after several weeks off sick with stress] I felt like I should be getting anxious and it just never happened! I’m not entirely sure what you did but whatever it was it seems to have worked. As soon as you finished [the session] I just felt relief and I’m still feeling it now."

Social Anxiety, Confidence & Panic Attacks Anon, Maldon Essex


"Alice has helped me hugely in so many ways both personally and professionally....I first went I wanted help with the emotional outfall of wanting a 3rd child but being told it was unlikely it would happen for medical reasons. I was very upset. As part of my holistic approach to overcome this, I luckily I found Alice. She was an important member of the team who helped me at this emotional time. Clearing out anxiety around this I am sure helped (along with some other things!) and I can happily report I now have an awesome daughter (along with my 2 amazing sons).

Since then Alice has helped me with my mindset and strategy for achieving my goals. She has helped me clear out 'baggage' that was holding me back in life and business.

Alice is not only very professional and knows her stuff, she is not judgemental and makes even the most difficult of conversation seem normal and safe.... I highly recommend her and am very grateful to have her on my 'power team'."

Personal Performance Jo D, Essex & Spain


"My daughter suffered from confidence issues and anxiety in ice-skating. I sought Alice’s help and she worked with Jaz for about a year. Hugely successful culminating in Jaz winning British Championships! There is not enough space to explain what a truly wonderful and life changing experience it was for Jaz working with Alice. She is just a phenomenal lady whom we highly recommend."

Sports Performance Michaella Cressey (mother of Jasmine Cressey)


"Have had THE MOST FANTASTIC time skiing - totally understand the "bug" the rest of the family have for it!  I went down slopes/runs that I would never have dreamed of before and towards the end of the week, visualising became less and less and I just did!!" 

Sports Performance for Fear of Skiing A, Essex


"Hi Alice, flight was spot on! Don't know how you did it but it worked a treat, totally chilled out!" 

Fear of Flying D, Bradwell on Sea, Essex


"...thank you so much for enabling me to be "who I really am" you've helped me to change my life completely. I feel absolutely brand new, definitely more confident and so much more happier...!" 

M, Maldon, Essex Weight Loss


"It's 22 days since our session and I now genuinely believe I am a non-smoker! I must admit that I have, on occasion, thought wistfully about cigarettes. But I haven't been seriously tempted to smoke - despite some seriously stressful stuff going on in my life over the past three weeks. I now feel able to move on with my life without being weighed down by the burden I have carried around for 20 years. As a deeply analytical patient, I'm still struggling to come to terms with the science behind the hypnotherapy process. Our session was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life and one I've tried to analyse without success. Being tuned in to your voice, being aware only of your voice, being more relaxed than ever before, was an acutely intense experience. Really strange. Nice, but really strange! Anyway, thank you so much for your help. I can't tell you how fantastic it feels to be able to see myself as a non-smoker. I've got to tell you I am the most cynical person in the world, yet you changed me! People who know me think that's incredible."

Ed, Stowmarket, Suffolk Stop Smoking


"After my first treatment session I had an immediate improvement in my sleeping. The anxiety of whether I would be able to sleep was gone. Instead I drifted effortlessly into sleep - not really knowing how I was doing it - but sure/secure that this was the result of the treatment with Alice. This has continued since the session - now almost three weeks ago. I experience the same relaxation if I wake in the night, for I find I can return to sleep easily. The long disturbed nights have gone - No more walking the house with cups of tea - listening to relaxing music - feeling everyone everywhere is sound asleep and I am not, Thank you Alice - your treatment is wonderful."

Judith, Sawston, Cambridge Insomnia and general anxiety


"I've lost over a stone already, have never slept so well nor got so much done! I'm so pleased...I feel 20 years younger!” 

J, Chelmsford, Essex Weight Loss


"I would just like to say you have completely changed my life for the better and without your help my path to destruction does not bear thinking about."

Anon, Hertfordshire Obsessions and self esteem


"I've lost 17lbs so far and happily haven't had alcohol in 5 weeks, I don't miss it at all and and my skin, hair and energy are all great!" 

R South Woodham Ferrers, Essex Weight Loss


"I started my sessions [on the south coast with another therapist] then moved to Essex half way through, [and continued my therapy] with Alice. Now I have come to the end of my treatment I just wanted to e-mail you and let you know how I got on. Alice was fab, really lovely lady, she put me at ease straight away. I think I had about 4 or 5 sessions with her, my last session was about a week ago. I cannot believe how good I feel about myself, I have never had so much confidence before, I actually like myself, which is a new thing for me, in fact I would go as far as saying I love who I am and how I look. I get compliments from a lot of people, I just feel like I am shining from the inside, I love it. There wasn't one big issue I had, it was lots of little things that I had in my head, that made one big issue - things like sex, when I first started my periods, not thinking I was good enough from a very young age, and other various bits that built up and left me feeling, well horrible and worthless. I find I don't blush and feel embarrassed about myself - or when topics of conversation come up that I am embarrassed about or that I don't want to talk about and I just find life that much easier. I'm [now] off to work in the South of France ...I would never have been able to do that without the help of you and Alice, so I would like to thank you very much for my treatment...and how I feel today. I am so pleased I chose hypnotherapy and I will be recommending it to any of my friends or family. "

Fiona, Great Dunmow, Herts/Essex border Social Phobia - low self confidence, low self image


I've lost a whole stone already, only 2 more to go and I can have my hip operations and get out and about more! Thanks Alice" 

Carol, Mayland, Essex Weight Loss


"I am always talking to people about the fact that I have had hypnotherapy and I can't stress to them enough how much it has changed my life!  I almost don't want to say aloud just how amazing it was incase I jinx myself! In the last few week my whole world just flipped from negative to positive.  I no longer have a past that haunts me. I can look back almost as though looking at someone elses life... ...My spark has comes back... I finally feel that I know who I am and I am happy with that. I have an understanding of myself which has really helped me... I know this may sound silly but I think of you most days as you truly changed my life. I suppose in a way you gave me back my life without sounding cheesey and I am eternally grateful for that... I'm not scared of life anymore ...Thanks Alice!"

Sally, Stansted, Essex Panic attacks, fainting, self esteem


“WOW, I never thought it would be so relaxing, I'm sleeping so well, full of energy, and not snacking at all and it's only the second session. I never thought it would feel so easy to change my habits of a lifetime" 

Mr R, Chelmsford, Essex Weight Loss


"Thank you so much for all your help - I am truly amazed by your results. I had to smile to myself over the weekend whilst we were away...happily sipping away at my fizzy comments made but I just knew they were thinking something wasn't quite as it used to be...what a lovely feeling to be back in control! Thank you again Alice."

Mary, Suffolk Daily wine drinking habit


“After the first session, I couldn't finish a whole meal, I don't know who's more amazed me or my family! I can't wait to see how I am after my next session, those size 12 jeans at the back of my wardrobe are only a few weeks away :)”

Mrs S, Maldon, Essex Weight Loss


"Just thought you would like to know that Paul passed his test today.  We are all absolutely thrilled for him.  He was really calm this morning and, despite having been unwell for the last two days with a terrible cold, seemed to have a very relaxed approach to taking his test.  Clearly, his session with you last week helped. With grateful thanks to you Alice for all your help.”

Paul Maldon, Essex Driving test nerves


"A stone and half lighter now, it's so easy to leave food, not be on a diet...everyone around me is in shock and I'm just happy!" 

E, Chelmsford, Essex Weight loss


"Remember me? Sorry its taken me a little while to get in touch, you may remember I was terrified at the prospect of doing a presentation to a group of staff at work and came to see you for help. I had a few practice sessions, (one in front of my 8 year old son, who proved to be a brilliant audience) and worked hard at self hypnosis and the DREAM technique and felt so much more calm and relaxed at the prospect of public speaking. I was fine until 24 hours before and then began to 'wobble' really badly again, however on the drive there and for 20 minutes or so when I got there I gave myself a really good talking to using what you taught me and everything went fine! I feel so pleased to have achieved this after so long worrying. Thank you so much, I couldn't have done it without you and am now applying DREAM to other aspects of my life."

Anon, near Maldon Essex Presentations/public speaking confidence and clarity


"I've lost 6lbs in 2 weeks, and I'm so proud of myself and glad I found you Alice. Even more important is I lost this weight during one of the most stressful times - a time when normally I'd go for it with eating everything! Thank you so much" 

M Romford Essex Weight loss 


"Thought you would like to know that Glen's business idea presentation went really well yesterday.  In the morning, Glen said he felt a mixture of a few nerves but excitement too.  When it was his turn, he saw the panel of judges and thought he would start to feel nervous, but then told himself that they were only people.  Glen went on to go through all his powerpoint presentation and answer the judges questions confidently - he seemed to enjoy the challenge.  I have never seen that in Glen before!  He would normally lack confidence and become unsure of his answers, so I was glad he was able to convey his ideas successfully."

Glen Maldon, Essex (16) Presentation nerves


"I've lost a stone now and dropped 2 dress sizes, I know I can lose the rest - it's great for me and my husband too is eating better :)" 

C. Colchester Essex Weight loss   


"Of all the alternative therapies I have tried I can honestly say that my sessions with Alice have been the most effective I have ever experienced.  After pulling my hair for nearly thirteen years I have found it incredible that I was able to stop so quickly with such little effort and wish I had made this step years ago.  It has been a fantastic experience that has not only eradicated what was a very irritating habit but has equally opened my mind to how I think and feel about lots of other aspects of my life.  Everyone should allow themselves the opportunity to make this investment in their well-being because the results are amazing!"  

Charlotte, Gt.Waldingfield, Suffolk Trichotillomania/hair pulling compulsions


"Just to let you know how things are working out. Our trip to Prague went OK, that's putting it mildly - it was so fantastic to be out and about without searching for the nearest loo. You have changed my life completely, days out, shopping, whatever. I cope with it all very well, thank you so much for all your help."

E, Suffolk Toilet anxiety (fear of not being able to get to the loo in time when out) NB. E had previously seen a Psychiatrist for 30 years to no avail prior to only 9 sessions with me.


"Many thanks...DREAM working really well for me, so pleased, whole family benefiting from my new state of being!!"

G.B, Maldon, Essex Self esteem & Weight Loss


"Alice has made such a difference. I am able to recognise the way I used to be and I am moving towards being the full person which has been hidden, since childhood, inside a shell which had grown up around me."

Melanie, Suffolk Self esteem and personal performance


"This has been the best money spent. I now feel comfortable in my own skin and able to be in control of my own self.  A journey that needed to be travelled. Thank you Alice for enabling this to happen. I am so pleased with the results."

M. Sudbury, Suffolk Weight loss, self esteem


"I can only diet if my head is in the right place and it hadn't been for some time, 18 months to be exact. So when I saw an article about Alice in the East Anglian Daily Times, I thought this could be the answer for me. And it was. I really wanted the therapy to work and was very focused. I lost over a stone in about 6 weeks and still continue to lose. I also seem to have a different attitude to food now, smaller portions, healthier not very much bread and I like apples ... a lot, which I didn't before I preferred pears. And I go to the gym three times a week, which is twice more than I used to go. I would really recommend Alice, I have already given her number to three people I know already. It can work for you but you really need to want it to work for you, then you will be able to get your head in the right place, just like mine is.” 

Tina, Harwich, Essex Weight loss


"I saw Alice for 12 sessions and through her sensitive and encouraging guidance was able to deal with issues that were still unsolved despite numerous attempts to sort myself out. Alice is extremely skillful with just the right balance of seriousness and humour. You feel that you are able to trust her with your most secret, secrets. She enables you to help yourself and feel differently about yourself and your problems. I feel a different person and am much better able to cope with life in general and in particular with my deafness. This is never going to get better the only thing that has changed is my attitude towards it. Thank you Alice!"

Gloria, Essex Social Anxiety


"I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. I am a completely different person from when I came to you for hypnotherapy. I am a lot more confident... I feel that the hypnotherapy is one of the best things I have ever done. Thanks a million."

Karen, Cambridge Weight issues, self confidence


"Thought it was about time I let you know how things are going since I last saw you in November last year. Life is pretty good. I wouldn't say I am completely free of symptoms just yet, but I would say it's not far away. Am gradually reducing my medication and am feeling good. I certainly have better control of things now. I find it so much easier to stop myself doing the things I used to do. Don't feel at all anxious if I forget to straighten the cushions anymore!!!! All in all I think your therapy sessions have worked really well and am hoping that I will soon be free completely. Am certainly getting on with life now and not worrying about the little things anymore. Thanks so much for helping me. It's taken me so long to deal with over the years, I wish I had found you years ago, keep up the good work. Thanks again,"

Kim, Great Dunmow OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 


"I have never cut my finger nails as I used to be a nail biter. I am now 35 and free from this habit that has made my fingers so sore and un sightly for many years. My New Years resolution for many years has been to stop the biting. I thought I had tried every solution until I read that hypnotherapy could cure my habit. I discovered Alice and went for some hypnotherapy. The therapy was a very relaxing and comfortable experience and the effect was instant. I can only describe my old habit as trying to write with my left hand, I do not have any desire to put my hand up to my mouth let alone bite my nails. I wish I had discovered the power of hypnosis years ago. I am looking forward now to seeing my nails grow over the next few weeks. I feel so proud of my achievement even though I did have a helping hand. All I can say is if you are a bit sceptical, try hypnotherapy and feel the amazing results for your self. Many thanks Alice you really have changed my life, no more sore and un sightly fingers for me."

Steve, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire Nail biting


"I have lost 8lbs in 5 weeks and still losing! It's incredible I see the food I used to eat and I just don't want it. My energy levels have doubled and I feel more focused and calm. Thank you!"

Pat, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire Weight loss


"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you whole heartedly for giving me my self respect and life back. I no longer feel like every day is a battle and the weight that was bearing down on me has been lifted. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the patience and understanding you showed me, never making me feel silly or embarrassed. I would , and have recommend you to anyone I cared about. Alice, you’re a star!"

Teresa, Saffron Walden, Suffolk Low self esteem, social phobia and persistant weight issues


"Hi Alice I saw you two weeks ago for suggestion therapy for healthy eating and weight loss. I am now half a stone lighter, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and other healthy foods. Hurrah! Am feeling great, losing weight at a reasonable pace and have no longer got a hangup over carbohydrates – I just have the healthy ones in sensible quantities. I'm not bothered by wanting to have chocolate, or anything else which is unhealthy, I'm drinking water like there's nothing nicer and although my husband jokingly says I've been brainwashed, he is actually quietly impressed – though he'd never admit it! THANK YOU, I feel great. Am recommending you to lots of people. "

Karen, Great Dunmow, Essex weight loss 


"Hi Alice, Hope you're well! Just thought I'd give you an update on the progress so's all good! I weighed myself on Friday, exactly a week since I saw you. I've lost 2.5kg. Amazing. People can't believe that I'm full when I've only eaten 2/3 of my dinner or whatever and that I'm not eating any chocolate or snacks in between meals! I'm drinking loads of water, I've only had two cups of tea since when I saw you and I would normally drink about 2 a day with accompanying biscuit of course! It's all fabulous! I'm looking forward to this Friday to see the latest losses! It's just so easy, I don't have to think about it and I feel great! My boyf thinks I look better already which is always nice and lots of people are excited to see how I get on. Hurrah hurrah hurrah! All fabulous, thank you so much! Shall give you another update soon!"
....and a few weeks later...
"Hi Alice, Hope all is going well with you! All well here, just giving you a bit of an update on how it's going. It's been just over 5 weeks now and I've now lost just over 6kg, almost a stone, fabulous eh?! People at work are starting to notice which is nice and all my clothes are feeling's changed my mind set so I still don't want the bad stuff!"

Moina, Cambridge Weight loss 


"Thank you SO much for the session on Monday, I still feel quiet weird around food, it's strange that I have not had anything really bad for me lately, it's really weird, almost like it's not me! Which is good. I think that I would normally turn to food in times of stress, then I would feel guilty about what I'd eaten and then eat more and then feel depressed about it so eat even more (if all that makes sense!). Now I feel like I would be letting myself down if I ate that stuff ... it's all a bit bizarre how I'm feeling really. Today I stopped off for some lunch and I just had an egg sandwich & a diet coke, SO unlike me. I know it's very early days, but I feel great!"

Jo, Haverhill, Suffolk Weight loss 


"The session certainly worked – within a week [I] had lost ½ a stone!

Mr Anon, Takeley, Near Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire Weight loss


All sessions are available from our private practice in Colchester Essex​​​, or UK and Worldwide online with Essex based therapist Alice Pinion. Arrange your free initial consult.

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